Discover: Kingston Soundsystem - Higher Love With Steve Winwood

Discover the captivating collaboration between Kingston Soundsystem and Steve Winwood as they reimagine the 80's hit single "Higher Love" into a reggae masterpiece. This mysterious Jamaican band teams up with the esteemed musician, creating a fusion of genres that debuts on the Global Reggae Top40 chart and amasses thousands of Spotify streams. Experience the power of their enigmatic sound and the universal appeal of reggae music in this groundbreaking release.

- Justin Black, Staff Writer

Jamaica's music scene has given birth to a mysterious and captivating new band known as Kingston Soundsystem. 

The enigmatic group recently joined forces with the esteemed musician Steve Winwood to create a reggae version of his iconic 80's hit single, "Higher Love." 

Released through the independent German label Embassy of Music, this unique collaboration has made waves, debuting at #17 on the 115th Global Reggae Top40 weekly chart and amassing nearly 15,000 Spotify streams in its opening weekend.

Kingston Soundsystem's collaboration with Steve Winwood brings together two musical forces with distinct backgrounds and styles. Winwood, renowned for his contributions to rock, pop, and soul music, has delved into the reggae genre alongside the talented musicians of Kingston Soundsystem. 

Their joint efforts have resulted in an intriguing fusion that showcases the universality and adaptability of reggae music.