Reggae Revival Dominates The 37th Reggae Grammy List
RIAA has announced their list of nominees for the 37th Grammy Award for Best Reggae Album

RIAA has announced their list of nominees for the Grammy Award for Best Reggae Album of 2023, which features a full lineup of Jamaican artists and collectives.
But who stands the highest chance of overcoming the odds and coming out on top?
The list of winning probabilities has been released by Certifiedstreams.
Koffee - Gifted - 24%
Sean Paul - Scorcha - 28%
Kabaka Pyramid - Kalling - 20%
Protoje - Third Times A Charm - 24%
Shaggy - Com Fly Wid Me - 28%
However, based on the narrow margins and the high quality of the final selections, it's really fair to say that the odds are even heading into the final balloting.
The most notable nominee is Kabaka Pyramid, who is a newcomer to the list and is backed by the Marley music machinery, but of the five albums shortlisted "Kalling" and Protoje's "Third Time's The Charm" has the most HipHop influences of the pack.
Californian Stick figure was surprisingly absent, despite pundits betting he would make the final draw alongside Jimmy Cliff who also failed to make the final round.
But with three of this year's five nominees coming out of the Reggae Revival scene, it seems a generational transistion is in progress.
Who is Your Pick for The RIAA's Reggae Album Of The Year??